This is the story about how I (unbelievably) became a published author.
Many, many years ago when my kids were toddlers I was part of a MOPS group, and I sometimes gave a devotional at the beginning of the meetings. People always seemed to respond positively to my devotions, and a tiny idea formed in my head that maybe "someday" I would write some of them down.
Fast forward several years, and I was busy learning the art of bird photography. Sometimes, as I was taking pictures, a verse or idea would come to me, that I thought would make a good devotional story. Still, it was a vague notion...a thing that might happen "someday."
One day, though, I had a realization that the photos and stories were really gifts from God, and I became committed to writing them in a book. From then on, every bird I saw felt like a present, and every lesson was considered as a possible part of my future book.

When I felt I had enough ideas, I signed up for the Northwestern Christian Writers Conference and I was able to choose a ten minute one-to-one meeting with either an author or editor. I looked through all the choices, prayed, and picked an editor that focused on adult non-fiction. I had no idea how to write a book proposal, so I followed the advice of a blog post I found online. After nervously sending my materials in advance of the conference, the time came for the meeting. Now it was via Zoom because of the pandemic...and unfortunately my computer speakers stopped working. Way to make a great first impression! Technical issues aside, what I expected was some helpful advice about the content of my book idea, or even what to write in the proposal. What I actually got was an editor who said he was interested in publishing my book!!! (Future writers should note that this almost never happens.) It was amazing how God lined up the creation of my book with the niche the publishers were looking to fill.
There were still many hurdles to go through, but I was confident if God wanted it to be done, He would make it happen. Possibly the scariest part was when I finally signed the contract and then I had to actually write a book. What was I thinking? Nevertheless, God also came through with enough photos and ideas to write 40 devotions. Now, two years later it has been written, proofread, designed and printed. A long process, but satisfying in its outcome. I am thankful for an editor who took a chance on unknown me, and for God allowing me to share these stories.
